ds…” Guo Caiying’s footsteps After a moment, he suddenly sighed, “Li Sheng, it seems that your status in the United States is higher than I thought. You can actually have access to such information…” “It’s

ds…” Guo Caiying’s footsteps After a moment, he suddenly sighed, “Li Sheng, it seems that your status in the United States is higher than I thought. You can actually have access to such information…” “It’s
not what you think, senior sister. I am an official in the United States.” There is no fixed source of information.” Zhang Lisheng interrupted the girl. “All information is obtained by chance and analysis. My mind is much smarter than you think.” “Of course I know you are
very talented. Ability,” Guo Caiying was silent for a while and suddenly said with a slightly dissatisfied tone: “In this case, why don’t you return to China? The domestic situation is completely different from before. The Wumen’s bloodline power passed down as the ancient goddess Nuwa has become the center’s way to check and balance Asia. An important weight for the people of Atlantis.
The ‘Legend of Mending the Sky’ has made wizards now more valued than the successors of Taoist sects. People like you who master the ancient inheritance…” ”
/Stop, stop, senior sister, you know now There are so many things,” Zhang Lisheng interjected in surprise: “It’s really awkward for you, a proletarian atheist, to talk about the inheritance of the bloodline of ancient gods in such a logical way.”
Seeing that Zhang Lisheng avoided the important points in his speech but did not completely reject his proposal, Guo Caiying I was overjoyed, but I was very smart and did not continue to ask more questions. Instead, I smiled and said: “Existence is reasonable. Now that the gods and Buddhas in the sky are about to reappear in the world, isn’t it true that mentioning atheism is deceiving others?
Junior fellow student, as Li Ma The leader of socialism, domestic social theory has already kept pace with the times, and my father was the one who presided over the revision of the party members’ textbooks.”
Young people left China from their mountain villages when they were teenagers. All their understanding of the Chinese regime came from the ideological and moral classes in primary school and junior high school. They could barely talk about empty theories, but they did not understand the work of presiding over the revision of party members’ teaching materials. means nothing.
Of course, for Now that there is no external interference, God Wu Li, who has already taken possession of the ‘Ocean Shrimp World No. 2’, knows the meaning of this matter and will not particularly care about it.
After all, he is no longer the little witch who cared about the Taoists of China two or three years ago. With the dozens of stones of faith he carries with him, Zhang Lisheng has the confidence to cope with all unexpected situations. His roots in another world also give him the ability to exact revenge on his most powerful enemies.
“Sister, the theory of ‘Advancing with the Times’ is derived from the “Book of Changes” and is contained in “Zhuangzi”. It is not used in the way you do…” Shaking his head carelessly, the young man said casually. He heard someone behind him j