ing the Temple of the King of Yiren at midnight. He was suspected to be the prince of the Northern Dynasty more than a hundred years ago. Everyone laughed at him because at that time, Mr. Jun had already become a legend in the seven states.

ing the Temple of the King of Yiren at midnight. He was suspected to be the prince of the Northern Dynasty more than a hundred years ago. Everyone laughed at him because at that time, Mr. Jun had already become a legend in the seven states.
“Master, what happened?”
/Qi Ling’er curiously asked her master in the simple and dilapidated wine shop, but Zhou Jijun smiled and said nothing. There was a faint smile in the corner of his mouth. Deep guilt. Although the past thousands of years ago has long faded away, since it happened, it will never disappear, just like the blood of the Zhou and Luo families flowing in Zhou Jijun’s body. Even though Zhou Jijun has severed ties with the Luo family, thousands of years later, he Still a descendant of the Luo family in the capital. Hundreds of years ago, the ancestors of the Luo family had a complicated and entangled grudge with this alien king and even Tulong.
“No wonder I went to Luo Yun Mountain when I was young, and Tu Long knew that I was a descendant of the Luo family.”
Zhou Jijun murmured to himself, his eyes twinkling as he looked at the darkening sky outside the house.
With the departure of Dragon Slaying and the death of King Yiren, this past event will be completely lost in the land of Qizhou from now on. Although he knows it, he has already died in his belly and will never tell anyone about it again in this life.
“Forget it if you don’t tell me.”
Qi Ling’er wrinkled her little nose. She walked to the window, lay on the window lattice, and looked at the Qingzhi Mountain in the distance, with murderous intent gradually rising in her eyes.
“Master, Dayu is in the process of becoming a god. If they are allowed to succeed, they will probably become a serious problem for the Northern Dynasty.”
Zhou Jijun raised the corner of his mouth slightly and glanced at Qi Ling’er who had a murderous look on his face in a funny way. The ground spoke.
“Oh? My usually very lazy disciple has started to use his brain. Tsk tsk, what do you think it should be like?”
“Kill!” Qi Ling’er glanced at Zhou Jijun with dissatisfaction and said with a cold face, ” Kill them all before they have fully refined the true god status, leaving no one alive.
“But your master and I alone can’t kill them in this capital.”
Zhou Jijun chuckled and then looked for him. He sat cross-legged on the couch, closed his eyes and soon fell into meditation.
Qi Ling’er was speechless, thinking of the man who flew to the capital in purple clouds during the day, and couldn’t help but feel the fear that he hadn’t felt in a long time. She turned to look at Zhou Jijun who was sitting cross-legged in enlightenment, gritted her teeth, and then sat cross-legged on the couch like her master, concentrating and closing her eyes. The pink little snake man emerged from Qi Linger’s breath, hovered above her head, raised her head and opened her mouth. For a moment, blood shadows roared and danced, making Qi Linger’s cheeks turn red like a tide.
Lifting his eyelids slightly, Zhou Jijun looked sideways at Q