was not in vain.

According to Lu Bei’s original plan, this trip was just for experience, and the real practice would be on the day when the elixirs were settled at Dasheng Pass.
The plan is not as fast as the change. Right now, he has 17.4 million experience points. He should just let it go. It is better to realize his talent and upgrade his main skills to a few levels.
[You have understood the Great Wilderness’s Secret Record of Demon Creation and achieved something, strength +22, speed +22, spirit +22]
[You have understood the Great Wilderness’s Secret Record of Demon Creation, achieved something, and gained strength +24
[You have learned the Great Wilderness’s Secret Record of Demon Creation and gained a huge amount of experience.
[You have comprehended the Secret Records of Demon Creation in the Great Wilderness, broken through the realm of skills, and your total level has increased by 3 levels]
[The Great Wilderness’s Secret Record of Demons Lv10 (10w/250w)]
[You have comprehended the Great Wilderness’s Secret Record of Demon Creation, broken through the realm of skills, and the level of the magic weapon ‘Demon Creation Tower’ has increased, and the total level has increased by 3 levels]
[Demon Creation Tower·Treasures: Strengthen blood, increase basic defense by 100%, refine blood to become a demon, break life and break rules, reincarnate 1/3]
Big is good, big is justice!
The giant eagle with a wingspan of three feet is still too small. With his ambition and courage, the bird is not ten feet long, and he is embarrassed to say hello to the witches and witches when he travels far away.
[You refine the purity of your bloodline, achieve something, speed +5]
[You refine
[You refine the purity of your bloodline, realize the skill [Escape], spirit +10, endurance +10, charm +3, free attribute points +6, skill points +200]
[Escape Level 1 (0/10000)]
The skill ‘Escape’ does not mean escaping into space, but literally means escaping into space with a powerful physical body, which is very consistent with the setting of a speed monster like Tianpeng.
/Another magical skill, Lu Bei used his backhand to gain experience, raising it to Level 5.
There can’t be any more. Just a few inconspicuous upgrades have caused the inventory experience to drop to a precarious 10 million. It’s just a thought today. There is no need to continue to burn experience.
“There is still a fraction of 800,000 yuan. Let me see what is so wonderful about this ‘Taiyin Killing Path’. What the hell is this?”
Lu Bei was dumbfounded as he looked at the message that it would cost 5,000 skill points to practice the ‘Taiyin Killing Way’, so he decisively chose to do it next time.
The more expensive ones may not necessarily be better, but the techniques that are closely related to the Imperial Master and Grand Tutor are definitely not that different. Rounding off, it is equivalent to another big player who needs experience.
Lu Bei has tens of thousands of skill points in his inventory and has the qualifications to choose from. He is