ion to Yan Qixiu’s expression. In fact, she had never been in favor of launching this attack. She just knew that it was useless to say it, so she still tried her best to plan for her boss, but when it came to it, At the end of the day, he couldn’t help but want to try to see if there could be a change. As soon as he finished speaking, Yan Qixiu closed her eyes. Knowing that the last attempt had failed, she stopped talking and said: “Boss, let’s do it now.” Where to go?”

ion to Yan Qixiu’s expression. In fact, she had never been in favor of launching this attack. She just knew that it was useless to say it, so she still tried her best to plan for her boss, but when it came to it, At the end of the day, he couldn’t help but want to try to see if there could be a change. As soon as he finished speaking, Yan Qixiu closed her eyes. Knowing that the last attempt had failed, she stopped talking and said: “Boss, let’s do it now.” Where to go?”
“Go to Houhai!”
Just when Yan Qixiu secretly returned to Beijing to plan an earth-shaking event, Wen Liang was recruited to Lingyang by a call from Zuo Jing, but it was not because of the agreement that the crude oil terminal was about to sign with Hengsha. But for Lingqu wine.
Although Wen Liang had predicted the upcoming crisis of Lingqu Liquor many times as early as last year, it was a pity that Xue Sheng was stubborn and would not listen at all. Zuo Jing was also dubious, and finally sided with Xue Sheng. Unexpectedly, In just a few months, the crisis would become so violent and irreversible.
/In fact, in January 1997, the Economic Observer reported in three consecutive newsletters the news that the actual production capacity of Lingqu Liquor was low and that Xichuan Liquor was purchased for blending. However, this purely economic newspaper did not have a wide audience. The communication influence was not great, and it coincided with the Chinese New Year, so it did not cause a big sensation. After the Spring Festival holiday was over, following the trajectory of the previous life, the Lingqu Liquor issue began to ferment, and within just ten days it became a target of public criticism. It was reprinted by dozens of media, and it was crowned the CCTV King. It was destroyed almost instantly. once. But as luck would have it, Wenliang planned the launch of purified water, which attracted the attention of the public and the media, allowing Lingqu Liquor to survive for a while, but what should come will eventually come, and the battle between purified water and mineral water will follow. As the high-profile appearances of Baida and Yishan were coming to an end, the idle media reporters were all sharks that opened their mouths when they smelled the fishy smell. They immediately focused their attention on Lingqu Liquor. Xue Sheng, whose eyes were higher than his head, suddenly suffered a lot, revealing his complete lack of understanding of crisis public relations.
At first, they ignored it, then when they saw that the situation was not good, they immediately organized voices to refute the rumors. However, as the media dug deeper and took targeted secret photos of Lingqu Liquor’s small and backward factory and production line, once the pictures were published, consumers completely stood on the opposite side. , when Lingqujiu shouted that we actually have more advanced production lines and more modern factories, no one believed it, even though these were true.
In the final analysis, Lingqujiu succeeds and fails the media. Xue Sheng became a legen