ung man was immersed in darkness. There was a strange smile on his face, and at the same time, seven or eight people with different looks, skin colors, and temperaments gathered under a skyscraper on the edge of the city of ‘New Washington’ with a ‘Bald Eagle’ emblem hanging on it. In the secret room where the secret meeting was held, Alison pushed open the door and walked directly to the only empty sofa in the north to sit down without saying a word.

ung man was immersed in darkness. There was a strange smile on his face, and at the same time, seven or eight people with different looks, skin colors, and temperaments gathered under a skyscraper on the edge of the city of ‘New Washington’ with a ‘Bald Eagle’ emblem hanging on it. In the secret room where the secret meeting was held, Alison pushed open the door and walked directly to the only empty sofa in the north to sit down without saying a word.
“…A religious organization called ‘wuli’ (Wuli) has taken control of the Earth Federation. The number of believers in the poor communities in the dozen or so largest cities in the old territories of each state is at least tens of millions, and there is a tendency to expand overseas.
The gods they worship are monsters covered in scales, with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a python. The religious symbol is ‘l’.” A middle-aged man with extremely ordinary clothes, figure and appearance who was speaking in the basement also said As if he didn’t notice anyone intruding, he continued, “All the features are very similar to the indigenous beliefs of the ‘Ocean Shrimp No. 2 World’.
And since more and more Wuli people appeared on the earth, some believers of Wuli Sect began to claim that the gods they believed in were the only true gods of many ‘worlds’.
Preliminarily, it can be judged that this should be an invasion of the spiritual level of a ‘different world’. ”
Wu Li and Wu Li have almost exactly the same pronunciation. I can agree with your judgment of so-called ‘spiritual invasion,'” a thin, yellow-skinned woman opposite the middle-aged man frowned and said, “I can also understand the need for refugees during wars.” We need the support of faith.
But Radar, after all, this is not the barbaric era before BC. I don’t understand why tens of millions of federal citizens suddenly abandoned their belief in God and converted to the “Wist Religion” you mentioned.
The body of a human and a python is obviously a symbol of cult belief. From a psychological point of view, it should easily induce subconscious rejection of ordinary humans. Without the temptation of practical benefits, it is difficult for me to imagine that this sect can be like you. spread so quickly. ”
You mentioned the key issue, camera,” the middle-aged man nicknamed ‘Radar’ sighed: “The biggest reason why the Fog Li Sect spread rapidly is that the priests of the sect control the rivers, soil and food production.” Supernatural power can meet the basic survival needs of believers. ”
/What are you talking about? How is this possible? The gods of the ‘other world’ can’t give power to priests on the earth…”; “How to make food, radar, are you crazy…”; “Man, This is not a trivial matter…” Radar’s words caused an uproar in the entire basement, until a black man with a bald head, a big face, and fat lips sitting in the main seat patted the armrest of the sofa hard and expressionlessly. Then he became quiet again.
“Radar, is there any clear evidence to support what you just said? Is it