ee bandits holding bows and arrows had already drawn their bows and fired their arrows. The long arrow was like lightning, shooting directly at Kagome and the others. At the same time, the giant man with the knife took action. But Kagome and the others were unwilling to tangle with them, so they ran in the other direction without looking back.

ee bandits holding bows and arrows had already drawn their bows and fired their arrows. The long arrow was like lightning, shooting directly at Kagome and the others. At the same time, the giant man with the knife took action. But Kagome and the others were unwilling to tangle with them, so they ran in the other direction without looking back.
“Your stronghold is being attacked by evildoers. If you don’t want the stronghold to be destroyed and people killed, go back to the rescue as soon as possible!” the male knight Allen said loudly.
/“Stop leaving!!”
/Unexpectedly, the group of bandits ignored Allen’s words and actually put down their large and small bags and chased Kagome and others together. Kagome and others never imagined that the bandits didn’t care about the village at all, they only cared about money. One look at the way Kagome and the others are dressed and they know they are big fat sheep, how can they let them go?
Suddenly, the eight people in front were flying, and a group of people behind them were chasing after them, arrows whizzing back and forth. However, although there were five archers on the bandits’ side, the accuracy of the arrows was not flattering. A round of shooting, no one knows where it went. On Kagome’s side, although there was only one elf, his archery skills were top-notch, and he could kill one person with just one arrow, which made the bandits frightened, angry and frightened. However, under the temptation of wealth, the bandits pursued him.
Finally, when there were only five bandits left behind, the giant bandit leader became furious. Although there is no shortage of “reserve bandits” in these troubled times, it is still not easy to rally the team. With so many people killed and injured this time, how could the bandit not be angry? The giant bandit took out a yellow scarf from his pocket, tied it on his forehead, and shouted, “The sky is dead, the yellow sky will stand!” Yellow smoke was steaming from his body. The speed of this giant man is in vain, as he rushes forward like a hunting cheetah. Breaking out of the dense forest at just the right time, the vision suddenly opened up. Kagome and others have already arrived at the foot of the hillside. The bandit’s speed increased instead of slowing down. He stepped on a huge rock protruding from the hillside with his huge feet, jumped up, shrunk his body in the air, and hit Kagome and the others like a meteorite.
The giant man’s previous roar was as loud as thunder, and it naturally reached the ears of Kagome and the others.
The horoscope “Heaven is dead, Huang Tian shall stand” immediately led them to conclude that this giant man must be related to the Yellow Turban Uprising at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. It can probably be determined that it should be after 184 AD. Although Kagome and others wanted to stop and capture the giant man and ask for information, they had no choice but to give up considering the Dongsheng students chasing after them.
And just when Kagome and others rushed down the hillside and were abou