ody to cover up his shame. Especially between the two peaks, a deep blood groove was leaking blood. Her eyes were a little confused, probably due to excessive blood loss. But she still said “thank you” feebly. Yin Kuang sprinkled some powder on her wound and said, “You’re welcome.” He inserted the Qinglong Yanyue Sword into her side, then turned around and walked away for a few steps, saying, “You can come out now.” With a

ody to cover up his shame. Especially between the two peaks, a deep blood groove was leaking blood. Her eyes were a little confused, probably due to excessive blood loss. But she still said “thank you” feebly. Yin Kuang sprinkled some powder on her wound and said, “You’re welcome.” He inserted the Qinglong Yanyue Sword into her side, then turned around and walked away for a few steps, saying, “You can come out now.” With a
/“swish” sound, Wang Ning appeared not far in front of Yin Kuang, then leaned lazily on a tree trunk and said lightly: “Actually, I’m very surprised why the hot girl chose me.” Wang Ning’s tone was very unkind. Yin Kuang smiled and said: “Don’t you think I have the ability to control the Flame Queen?” Wang Ning’s eyes turned cold, “Yin, don’t force me to attack you! I may not be as good as you in a head-on confrontation, but if you want to kill You, I am completely confident.” Yin Kuang said: “The fact that you said this means that you are unwilling to take action.”
Suddenly, the black dog in Wang Ning’s hand turned into a black light and shot directly into Yin Kuang’s throat. However, just when the black light was about to stab his throat, it suddenly stopped, but the tip of the blade trembled slightly. Yin Kuang spread his hands and said, “Let’s see?” Wang Ning withdrew his hands and the black tiger returned to his hands, “Sooner or later I will make you regret your arrogance.” Yin Kuang said: “It’s not arrogance, it’s self-confidence. “Wang Ning snorted, “I don’t care about your mess. Do you know that Beidao has arranged a series of plans to deal with you.” “So what?” Yin Kuang spread his hands, “Destroy them, although it is not It’s easy, but it won’t be very difficult. After the first confrontation, our side won one game. You are the ones who are anxious, but I am not anxious at all. Even if they smash my head and try to attack me, I won’t take it. , what can he do to me?”
“You actually look down on Concubine Xiao and the others? Yin Kuang, Yin Kuang, you said you are not conceited.” Wang Ning said, “You are too indifferent to others.” Yin Kuang stretched out his hand With both hands, he put up one finger on one hand and two on the other, and said: “Let me ask you, if there are two points of benefit, do you still care about that one point? You came to me just to see if you can Do you want to get more big benefits from me?” Wang Ning shook his head and said: “You are wrong. In my eyes, no matter how big the benefit is, life is not as important as it is. I just want to ask you if you dragged me into this. This fucking exam is here!”
/“Now that it’s here, let’s make peace with it.” Yin Kuang said, “You’ve come here, so what’s the point of worrying about it?” Wang Ning gritted his teeth, smiled sinisterly, and said, “That’s right. “Killing you and going back alive is the most important thing.” Yin Kuang said: “If you insist on doing this, I won’t force you. But before you actually do it, I have to tell you one thing.” Wang Ning said: “What happened?” Yin Kuang smiled, “You were all tricked b