
Director Ken’s expression changed drastically, and he grabbed the two A4 papers. By the time he read them, the color on his face was completely gone.
“Now, Mr. Security Guards, as loyal employees of the Umbrella Company, shouldn’t you carry out the orders of the board of directors?” The
two muscular men behind Ken were stunned for a moment, then took a step forward to hold up the stunned Ken. got up.
“Let me go! I can leave on my own!” Ken struggled away violently, and then looked directly at Isaacs with his snake-like eyes, “Issacs, you will be punished. You are the one who studies G, It’s not me!”
Ken seemed to know that his fate was over, and he didn’t make too many excuses, “The T virus is not perfect yet, you madman, you went to study G, that ‘God’s forbidden area’, believe me, Isaacs, you will You’ve been punished! Do you think the higher ups don’t know? Huh! The head office is already investigating you!”
/Isaacs shrugged and said, “Originally I was very worried, but now I have no worries! God stands On my side, an interesting Chinese boy was sent to me. With the help of his hands, all traces have been erased. The ‘investigation team’ will not find anything.” (Note: Original movie Municipal Government There is a helicopter in the hall, which is the one the protagonist finally took. I set it as the special plane of the Umbrella Company’s “Investigation Team”.)
Gradually Isaacs’s smile faded away, and he only heard him say quietly: “20 years later, When an old man suffering from a heart disease was about to die, he escaped from the clutches of death because he took a drug. And the inventor of that drug will be me, Isaacs. This is science! This is science! That’s hope! You who only see money and power will never understand.”
Isaacs said a bunch of nonsense, but Ken was stunned, and then he said quietly: “I’m waiting at Satan’s place I’m holding you!”
Then, he was sandwiched between two muscular men and left.
“Look, Aikenfo, can you rest assured now?” Isaacs said to Dr. Aikenfo who was aside: “Now I am the supervisor. Your daughter will be here to take you with you soon. It won’t take long. ”
Surprisingly, Dr. Eichenfoer did not show an expression of surprise. Instead, he stared at Isaacs coldly and said, “Is he right? Are you studying G?”
Isaacs’ face froze, and then he said : “Doctor, I think you value your daughter more.”
“You and I will go to hell!”
After saying that, Aikenfo turned around in his wheelchair and stared at the computer screen.
“Look! Yin Kuang is over there!” Zeng Fei whispered, pointing his finger at the street in the