ter. As long as it’s human flesh, there will be strange animals in this forest that like it…” The ‘hunters’ following the young man saw his completely incomprehensible behavior and said in surprise through the intercom.

ter. As long as it’s human flesh, there will be strange animals in this forest that like it…” The ‘hunters’ following the young man saw his completely incomprehensible behavior and said in surprise through the intercom.
Then these people watched as Zhang Lisheng’s naked body suddenly swelled to more than five meters in height, as if inflated, and turned into a ferocious giant with muscles as strong as steel and densely covered with yellow and blue scales.
The clothes and metal box could now be held in the palm of the hand. The young man, who had not shown the power of transformation for a long time, moved his body, turned around with cold eyes, and let out a ferocious roar in the direction he came from.
“He, damn, run, run, that guy is not a human at all!”; “Myron, this is all your bad idea, bait, bait, always treating others as bait, and in the end we became the bait. Caught fish.”; “Don’t run, we have more than a dozen guns, no matter how big that guy is, there is only one person…
ah!” In the terrifying roar, the teasing and joking just turned into a horrified shout, With great difficulty, one person mustered up the courage to resist, but was crushed into a pulp by a swift and violent cyclone and was blown away.
/Chapter 221: The ‘Earth God’
watched helplessly as his companions were minced into pieces, which only made the cruel ‘hunters’ who knew they were in a desperate situation want to fight to the death.
They shouted, “Just die, we will die together with you, this monster…”, stopped their escape, turned around and raised their spears towards Zhang Lisheng’s huge body with obvious target, and started shooting with “ping ping ping ping pong…” .
It’s a pity that although the power of thermal weapons is powerful, ordinary firearms can no longer pose much threat to the ‘witch’ who has transformed into a powerful witch insect.
After being attacked, Zhang Lisheng, who was able to deflect the warhead with only the tough scales on his skin, smiled ferociously, grew his big mouth and sprayed out a continuous stream of turbulent air, instantly blowing away a fan-shaped jungle within a few hundred meters in front of him. , even the trees and people were destroyed.
Then he stepped onto the broken branches of trees that were stuck together with human remains, and performed the “Ju” witchcraft with his thoughts.
In an instant, a stream of black blood slowly condensed in front of the young man, turning into a faint blood mist and covering the flesh and bones on the ground.
Soon, there were bursts of strange “swishing” sounds from the depths of the jungle. After a while, countless strange insects biting and fighting with each other gathered from the forest and began to snatch blood and food.
Zhang Lisheng’s huge naked body was expressionless as he watched the insects gathering more and more. In the end, it was like a slowly squirming carpet, completely covering the entire dense forest he destroyed. Unknowingly, a lot of expectations arose.
Ever since he learned that opportunities are needed fo