lso the reason why Han Xuan has never given a lecture at Cambridge University. The principal has invited him several times. Ever since he witnessed Hawking being ridiculed by students and leaving the venue angrily, he has been very afraid of public speaking at Cambridge University.

lso the reason why Han Xuan has never given a lecture at Cambridge University. The principal has invited him several times. Ever since he witnessed Hawking being ridiculed by students and leaving the venue angrily, he has been very afraid of public speaking at Cambridge University.
Han Xuan didn’t think that they would be merciful to him because he was also a Cambridge student. Maybe they would be more harsh on him.
This group of students were arrogant and arrogant. He was sure that many of them were jealous of him and very unhappy with him. After all, he was so good that it would be strange not to be hated by others
. There was a sound outside the window. Han Xuan looked up and found that it was raining suddenly.
He originally planned to go to class, but he gave up the idea at this moment. It was a long way from Trinity College, and it would definitely be uncomfortable to walk there in the winter rain.
/School life is nothing more than wandering around classrooms, libraries, and clubs. When Han Xuan encounters problems, he goes directly to the professor and spends most of his time alone in the library. This is okay for a short time, but it will inevitably feel boring after a long time.
Now he himself is not sure whether he will return to Cambridge University to continue studying next semester. One and a half years of study is enough.
The one I just opened is the school mailbox, and there is also a company mailbox, where hundreds or thousands of emails are received every day.
If he dealt with them in front of the computer every day, Han Xuan worried that he would become short-sighted, so he handed them over to the secretariat for help. Only particularly important documents were sent to him. He brushed his teeth and washed
his face, then went downstairs in his pajamas, planning to have breakfast first.
In the living room, I met Mr. Kesten Miller, the CEO of Han’s Automobile Group.
I called to make an appointment yesterday. Han Xuan was not surprised by his arrival and said hello: “Sorry, I overslept. I must have been waiting for a long time.”
It doesn’t matter. I just arrived and drank a cup of coffee. It tastes very good.” Great.”
Kesten Miller then said: “Good morning, boss. About For R&D funds in automotive electronics, there are several documents that require your signature and authorization. I will rush to Goodwood Town later. The old Rolls-Royce factory is about to close. There is quite a lot of resistance among local residents. I heard that there is a demonstration going on. The protests require me to appease them.”
The British factories of Maserati and Aston Martin, two car brands, are now located in King’s Lynn, a port industrial city northeast of London.
Han Xuan plans to move the Rolls-Royce and Bentley automobile manufacturing plants there. Industrial agglomeration can reduce production costs. King’s Lynn is close to the port and is convenient for external transportation.
/As the pride of the town of Goodwood, it is normal for local residents to protest against the relocation o