ge of the Northern Xinjiang army, in addition to helping the young master cultivate his divine status, I would also do other things. A sacred statue was given to the marshal as a congratulatory gift.”

ge of the Northern Xinjiang army, in addition to helping the young master cultivate his divine status, I would also do other things. A sacred statue was given to the marshal as a congratulatory gift.”
Zhou Jijun flicked his fingers, and the two sacred statues rotated alternately in the air, emitting a dazzling golden light that made the room sparkle. However, Li Ping looked indifferent to the two sacred statues. No more looking at it.
“Hmph, why are you so stubborn, Marshal!” Zhou Jijun pretended to be angry, “Your Majesty is so talented and powerful that he will definitely lead troops to sweep across the seven states, but I think your monarch is a coward. He was born in troubled times but has no great cause. He humiliated Wu but did not dare to send troops to avenge his humiliation. All he would do is to bestow upon you the wealth and anointment of his people, hide himself in the arms of a beautiful woman, and let you fight bloody battles for him. ”
“Li Ping! You are in troubled times, so you don’t want to do this . Do you have a career and be famous in history? ”
Zhou Jijun’s last words struck Li Ping’s heart like a bell, echoing endlessly. His face changed with gloom, and his fists were clenched and his nails were already embedded in his flesh. After a long time, he looked deeply at the sky outside the house, breathed a sigh of relief as if he had figured it out, turned to Zhou Jijun, and cupped his hands.
“I was born in the Qian Kingdom and grew up in the Qian Kingdom, and I have been favored by the king. I will never rebel in this life. Young Master… please go.”
“Okay, I am a good person who will never rebel in this life.” Zhou Jijun suddenly smiled, and then stretched out his hand to hold the god’s throne. Pressing hard into Li Che’er’s forehead and heart, the nine-foot-tall boy’s limbs suddenly bounced away, roared, and then fell over and fainted.
“What are you…” Li Ping stared blankly at Li Che’er, whose whole body was shrouded in golden light, his face fluctuating.
“I don’t care if you want to be your loyal minister. I, Mr. Jun, never like to force others into trouble, but I want to save you.” Zhou Jijun snorted coldly, rolled up Li Che’er with a cold face, and in the blink of an eye, his body had floated to At the door, “I have a destiny with your son. Today, I will help him achieve the status of immortal god. He will go to my Tianwu Mountain to practice for a few days. When he is completely recovered, I will let him go down the mountain and return to you. Don’t worry, Marshal Li.
/” Ping looked at the white figure with the floating shirt in a daze. Gradually, a look of ecstasy appeared on his face, and a tear fell from his eyes. He patted the sleeves of his robe and bowed deeply towards the direction Zhou Jijun was leaving.
“I have made up my mind in this life. If there is an afterlife, I will pay back your great kindness to Mr. Jun even if I die.”
/“In the afterlife…” On the wall of the capital of Qian State, Zhou Jijun stood facing the wind and fainted behind him. The outline of