and you manage it. , right in the United States!”

and you manage it. , right in the United States!”
“You invest?” Nancy sneered, “How do you get your money back? The reason why this idea was not implemented is because those satellite companies can’t afford the expensive launch costs.”
“If the rocket is made recyclable. What
if the fairing worth tens of millions of dollars is also recycled? ”
New York time, December 20, 2003, 9:17 am.
Two unfamiliar companies named Calico and SpaceX appeared in front of the world for the first time.
Zhao Song also completed his last persuasion to investors and walked out of the New York Stock Exchange reception room.
At this time, it was only 13 minutes before Tesla went public.
Calico is funded by Google.
/What can you do in thirteen minutes?
Nothing can be done.
/So on the way to the trading floor, Liu Ying asked repeatedly:
“How is it, how is it?”
If those people were interested, they would not suppress the stock price. After all, the investment required for the project is not a small amount.
“They are all old foxes who have become immortals. How can they be easily persuaded by me?!” Zhao Song’s voice was very calm, and he obviously didn’t have much hope for the tea party. “How are the preparations in the hall?”
He walked in the queue. At the front, with a straight back, steady steps, and a strong aura, the staff on the road gave way.
He wore light make-up today, his eyebrows were a little thicker than usual, and he had a short crew cut, which made the outline of his face full of lines. The serious expression made Liu Ying, who had already corrected her attitude, more respectful, and she quickly replied:
“Almost everything, except”
“Except what?”
“CCTV has not yet decided whether to broadcast live.”
“For what reason.”
Liu Ying looked around and found no outsiders, then explained softly: “Tesla is a private company after all.
“Capital and social issues?” Zhao Song stopped. At this time, they had arrived at the door of the trading hall. The eldest cousin and the mute Liu were standing there waiting uneasily, and nodded to them before being dissatisfied . He said calmly, “PetroChina’s surname is ‘She’. Its scale is 35% of Statoil’s, but it has 52 times more employees! Can’t those stupid people report it from the perspective of corporate management?”
Liu Ying lowered her head and did not reply. She couldn’t comment too much on the issue.
Fortunately, Zhao Song did not continue: “Any more questions?”
“There is a red vest participating in the chorus that has not arrived yet.”
“Does it have an impact?”
“Because he has studied music, his position in the live broadcast camera is very conspicuous.”
The time has reached 9:19, and there are only 11 minutes left before the bell rings.
At this moment, the New York Stock Exchange and its surrounding areas have long been plunged into a sea of ??red. Warner’s Turner Television Network and CNN have connected live broadcast signals. Countless cameras follow field reporters, watching various scenes and Tesla executives. Interviewing.
So when