rl, life has a long way to go, and the future is still long.” Black Skull said this as if The words that sounded like a stranger spoke to Yang Ran’s heart. Sometimes people commit suicide just because there is no one to hold them back.

rl, life has a long way to go, and the future is still long.” Black Skull said this as if The words that sounded like a stranger spoke to Yang Ran’s heart. Sometimes people commit suicide just because there is no one to hold them back.
“If you want to go crazy and seek death, I can’t help you. That brat asked me to help you.” After the black skull finished speaking, it floated up, and the black energy spread out to protect Yang Ran’s surroundings.
In this gloomy black air, Yang Ran felt an unprecedented sense of security. There was no need to hide around or conceal her identity. In this dark air, she knew that nothing would happen to her. I looked up and looked at me who was still resisting those dozen people.
“I don’t know who to believe.” Yang Ran, who had survived the disaster, became much quieter, lowered his head and whispered.
“There are indeed many people in this world who are untrustworthy, and there are also many superb liars, but Ba Xiaoshan is definitely not one of them. This kid is a real person.” Black Skull said with a smile.
At this time, the middle-aged man’s face changed with shock when he saw the woman killed by the black skeleton. He had heard that there was a scary ghost next to me earlier, but he didn’t expect it to be so powerful. The woman who was killed was also a master, and he could do it so easily. Just got slaughtered.
What he didn’t expect the most was me blocking their way. He thought that although I had a great reputation, my true abilities might not be that strong, but now he saw that I could defeat them all by myself, relying on my own energy. A few good players blocked it, and only then did they understand that the rumors that I might have reached the level of an Earth Immortal were not necessarily false.
“Black Skeleton, have you been rescued?” I shouted without looking back.
“Don’t worry, I’ve never done anything wrong before!” Black Skull said a wisecrack, and I smiled and said: “That’s good, now, I don’t have to hold back, don’t you want to start a war? Then let’s start a war. !”
The moment the words “war” were spoken, everyone on the opposite side, including Dongzi and the middle-aged man, were stunned. The aura that had just been blocking their way suddenly exploded, and the violent wind was shaking the earth and the earth. Everyone hit by the storm was lifted up. Dongzi was already injured, but when he was blown by the strong wind, he rolled several meters on the ground, adding more injuries to his body. With a “wow” from his mouth, a large mouthful of blood spurted out.
/“Damn, you’re so powerful!” Dongzi finally recognized the gap between him and me this time, and cursed while spitting blood. Several others got up. He took out various weapons and attacked me. In fact, these people are all good players, and they can be considered high-ranking in the world, but at this moment, they cannot make trouble in front of me!
I slapped the ground hard with my right hand. The surrounding land turned into several stone dragons and suddenly jumped up from the ground. T