ey would reveal something. I looked more The man glanced at him and said nothing. The man who stopped him came forward and said, “He Yang, you have an obligation to tell us where Fan Zhen has gone. Don’t forget that we are all working for the minister.” I looked at him and said,

ey would reveal something. I looked more The man glanced at him and said nothing. The man who stopped him came forward and said, “He Yang, you have an obligation to tell us where Fan Zhen has gone. Don’t forget that we are all working for the minister.” I looked at him and said,
“I I’m not doing anything for the minister. You know this very well. Besides, I’ve never seen it. What do you want me to say? Will you believe it if I make up a lie?”
There were five people in their group, all of them impressive. When they saw me One of them became impatient when he said this. He rushed out and said, “What are you talking about? Do you believe that I will kill you on the spot?”
In fact, seeing these five people, I was surprised that the minister actually sent such a person. Come and ask me about Fan Zhen. According to my judgment, this kind of person is not even qualified to enter the office. And looking at them, they all seemed to be on the same level as or even one level above Fan Zhen. I felt a little inexplicably sad when I thought that a group of people like this were controlling the entire department. I suddenly felt that I could understand Fan Zhen. Facing such teammates is truly a torture.
As he spoke, he pulled out a gun and pointed it at me, but I said coldly: “If you are so brave, then shoot. Go and report to the minister that you shot me because I refused to cooperate. See what the minister is.” reaction.”
This person just wanted to scare me, but when he saw that I was not afraid at all, he was stunned for a moment because he couldn’t get off the stage. The person next to him who stopped me smoothed things over and said, “Da Shi, put your gun away.”
/Da Shi then put down the gun, but at this moment I suddenly noticed a very subtle move. I seemed to see Da Shi wink at me, as if to imply that what I just did was just quarreling with me. Just kidding, after I captured this weak information, I was quickly thinking about the purpose of their actions just now. I felt that my initial intuition was indeed wrong. I was surprised how the minister’s subordinates could be like this. It turned out that these people deliberately made such a posture, but why did they deliberately make themselves as disgusting as a group of common men?
While I was thinking about it, Da Shi had already spoken again: “Captain, why don’t you take him back for a good trial? People like him are tough-talking.”
The person who stopped him didn’t speak, as if he was considering his opinion. I didn’t. I just looked at them quietly while talking, and then observed everyone again. Only then did I realize that there was a light hidden in their eyes that I couldn’t see through. Now their actions on the surface were all pretending, but Why are you pretending like this?
I thought for a moment and suddenly had the answer. Then I looked at them again calmly and said, “I don’t know what information you got. I just want to tell you that I didn’t see Captain Fan. As for whether he has arrived or not.” I didn’t know when I passed the office. When I cam