
But at the same time, a certain majestic aura began to condense from the Dao Fruit Mirror Wheel behind Chu Weiyang’s head.
In that flash of uncontrollable opportunities and changes, the world seemed to feel another “Chu Weiyang” “breathing the same” with the flow of aura from the fruit mirror wheel.
/Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the great monks of Xuanyuan and other sects came to greet him, and Chu Weiyang had another awakening to the realm of golden elixir!
But at this moment, the “hungry” feeling that opened his eyes made Chu Weiyang’s cultivation, energy, and magic power drop to a low level.
No longer staying, Chu Weiyang turned his hands, first the sword pill turned into a treasure light and merged with Chu Weiyang’s form and spirit, and then, the last mysterious coffin arrived wrapped in the remains of Qinghai Lao Dao.
As the seven mysterious coffins intertwined and resonated one after another, the mist surrounding Chu Weiyang became more dense and thick, like a sea of ??clouds.
The next moment, surrounded by the sea of ??black clouds that filled the sky, and the seven mysterious coffins rolling above the sea of ??clouds, the moment Chu Weiyang’s figure was lifted out of the air, the metaphysical realm had opened towards Chu Weiyang.
“Hahaha! Lao Yanwu, that is Kaitian’s sword intention! It is the Kaitian sword intention that Jie Yun’s lineage has been praying for for thousands of years!”
At a time when the Qianyuan Sword Sect’s fortunes were in decline, when Zhu Jiansou secretly tried to ascend to the divine realm but failed and his aura was damaged, when the leader of the sect was determined to gain resentment and seek to break the situation, he took advantage of the situation and gave up on the old man of the sect. When he was a golden elixir monk.
Perhaps this is where the paradox of fortune comes from.
nothing at all.
All the scenes hanging in the mountains and rivers sword world point directly to the sword pill and the essence of Chu Weiyang’s swordsmanship. The mist formed between the Yin evil turbidity and the Yungang sword energy merges with each other. The scene where the yin and yang rotates and turns into a sea of ??sword energy and clouds is reflected in the gaze of almost everyone.
In front of that very concrete curtain of life and death, Master Ching Hai had an incredible insight.
Moreover, when the rolling sword energy cloud sea connects the wind and rain, the changes in the four seasons, and even connects the realm of “Ten Thousand Swords Chaozong” and “One Sword Breaks Ten Thousand Techniques”, it can blend the ancient and modern swordsmanship into one, The potential of this Kaitian Sword Intent that has never been truly revealed is also very worthy of people’s imagination.
Not to mention, the nature of the cycle of life and death means that this sword technique is destined to have an almost predictably powerful foundation in terms of internal refining and killing!
/Since the beginning of his enlightenment that year, Old Taoist Qinghai has gone completely craz