i was very confident and didn’t think her husband would make a mistake, let alone have anything to do with her. He picked up the plate like a friend reunited after a long separation and pulled her to get the meal.

i was very confident and didn’t think her husband would make a mistake, let alone have anything to do with her. He picked up the plate like a friend reunited after a long separation and pulled her to get the meal.
His wife has confidence in him, and he also has confidence in his wife. Han Bo looked back at the two beauties and patted Ge Zhengjian’s arm, “Xiao Ge, what are you doing standing around here? Eat first.” ”
Han Chu, I”
“What’s the matter? Let’s talk after dinner.”
Humans are social animals and need friends no matter where they go.
/When Li Xiaolei served as the general manager of the branch of Silk Group, she actually worked in her hometown in Beijing. She had her husband by her side and many relatives and friends. When she was working in Sigang, she had close friends such as Wang Yan, Gao Yali, and Yang Xiaomei. In Nangang, she had Li Jiaqi and a group of friends. Friends from the Nangang textile industry whom Silk Group knows.
It’s not boring to go to Yushan. There are Secretary Lu’s lover, County Magistrate Wang’s lover, the more interesting Lao Lu, and Sister Wang who is almost like my mother. The situation changed when I arrived in the provincial capital. I was not really familiar with the place where I was born, and I didn’t know anyone except the people in the Provincial Office.
Yao Jie is the cousin of her husband’s subordinate, so she is not an outsider.
Not only are they local, but they are also lively and cute. After taking the meal and carrying the plate back to the table, they are already very familiar with each other, just like a pair of beautiful sisters.
“Is Riverside Park ahead?”
“Yes, just a little further ahead is the north gate of the park. Sister Li, you didn’t bring your child. It would be fun if you did. There is a children’s paradise in the park, a sky train, and lots of fun. In heaven and earth, there is AA Paradise, and there is a riverside swimming pool in the south.”
/One asked with great interest, and the other said with excitement.
Han Bo found that it was not a bad thing for the female reporter to come to visit rashly. If this trend continued, within a few days, the two of them would be able to go shopping together on the streets, shopping malls, go to beauty salons, drink tea and chat together.
What made him laugh and cry was that his wife’s habit of pulling strings was repeated again. She actually asked if Yao Jie had a boyfriend and if Ge Zhengjian had a girlfriend. After confirming that they were both single, they actually made a match at the dinner table!
The person is sitting opposite!
No matter how relaxed Yao Jie was, she was embarrassed and hurriedly changed the topic: “Secretary Han, our editor-in-chief found out that you were the one who solved the fraud case in Fengyi County and recovered the losses. For Sister Li’s sake, Can you give me a chance to do an exclusive interview?”
“Yao Jie, your editor-in-chief is very well-informed.”
“Secretary Han, we have interviewed Golden Eagle Company before and it was exposed, but it didn’t