a different person. She was spinning her pen with her left hand like when she was at school. She was holding the phone in her right hand and asked lazily: “Where are you? When can you be back? “

a different person. She was spinning her pen with her left hand like when she was at school. She was holding the phone in her right hand and asked lazily: “Where are you? When can you be back? ”
I just got off the plane and am waiting for the car from the Consulate General. It will arrive at about 4:30.” ”
Someone reported the case. He is a man. His accent sounds like someone from Jiangsu and Zhejiang. I stressed several times that I would keep it confidential, but he just refused to call me.” Li said, I have to see you, I have to talk to you face to face.”
/It is said that when a fellow villager meets a fellow villager, his eyes well up with tears.
/But in South Africa, you really can’t trust fellow villagers easily.
There is a popular saying in Joburg’s Chinatown: fellow townspeople cheat fellow townspeople, and they will cheat you without any negotiation. This is not entirely a matter of one’s own people slandering one’s own people. There is indeed some truth to it, and to be exact, there are bloody lessons.
For example, the illegal immigrants who were deported a few days before the Prime Minister’s visit were caught by the immigration bureau because they were deceived by Chinese immigration agents.
They were new arrivals, did not understand English, and were eager to obtain legal status. Some unscrupulous Chinese agents took advantage of this opportunity to seduce and lure them, promising to help them apply for work visas, but they were deceived.
Not to mention that they met black agents without qualifications. Even immigration agents with complete licenses generally charge higher fees for immigration services. Work visas are about three times or more than those charged by local white immigration companies in South Africa.
Many Chinese intermediaries do not actually handle the process themselves, but entrust it to local immigration companies. It can be said that they are intermediaries of intermediaries, earning the difference in the middle; some even disappear without a trace after collecting the deposit. Missing or unable to be contacted.
In contrast, most white agents are relatively serious and responsible.
They will provide you with suggestions on visa application categories based on your situation. For example, recent work visa applications are strict, and they may recommend that you apply for a retirement visa, student visa, critical skills visa, companion visa, etc. If you don’t understand English, he will suggest that you find a friend who understands English or hire a part-time translator to help you consult.
As long as they accept the order, they will help you appeal if you are refused a visa, and may even help you file a lawsuit against the South African Ministry of Home Affairs in court.
The person who called the police was very cautious, and Han Bo was not surprised. He muttered: “If he doesn’t go out tomorrow, ask him if he has time tomorrow. If so, let him go to the embassy.” ”
Okay, be careful on the way back.”
Not now While making house calls, Li Xiaolei decisively