go to the villages. The morale of the joint defense team members is low, and they do not have enough understanding of the situation in their respective jurisdictions.

go to the villages. The morale of the joint defense team members is low, and they do not have enough understanding of the situation in their respective jurisdictions.
Liangzhuang Police Station cannot be like this. There are many experiences in rural public security management in the fragmented dream that are worth learning from, and some adjustments must be made according to local conditions.
/I have ideas for my work, and the more I work, the more energetic I become.
After returning to the Sericulture Guidance Station, I greeted stationmaster Zhu and deputy stationmaster Cao and started moving. Just after the move was completed, Zhou Zhengfa, director of the Township Comprehensive Management Office, arrived with the joint defense team and formally handed over the joint defense team and the archives to the police office.
From now on, you have to get paid in the police station and listen to the instructions of the special commissioner. Many joint defense members are here, and no one dares to miss work.
This is the police office, and you must abide by the rules of the police office when you come here.
Let Xiao Ren take them to clean the house first, do a good job of hygiene, stand in military posture and queue up in the yard, and study laws and regulations in the afternoon. Xiao Ren is a police academy student. He is trained every day at the police academy, allowing him to train others to become familiar with the road.
Immediately afterwards, Gao Yali, who had worked as the women’s director of Liangdong Village and was later seconded to help in the countryside, reported in with a lot of household registration information. Lesbians must also abide by the rules of the police station. They find an office with a security door on the first floor to put down their household registration information, clean together, and participate in training together after cleaning.
One is Chen Meng, who worked as a section policeman at the police station and helped in the criminal police team before being transferred. One is An Xiaoyong, who worked with Gao Changxing. Before being transferred, he helped the household registration police at the Chengdong Police Station.
Everyone is here, let’s have a meeting.
The joint defense players are training and do not need to participate for the time being.
As the top leader of the police station, Han Bo sat in the middle, while the others sat on both sides.
/“Comrades, although the renovation project has just begun and will take about three or four days to be completed, all our personnel are in place and our work cannot wait until three or four days before starting. It must be emphasized here that the number of our personnel is similar to that of other police stations. Our tasks are similar to those of other township police stations, but our working methods may be a little different from theirs. Serving the people, the people’s police serving the people, I don’t want to talk about these big principles, I just want to say a few words from my heart to you. I personally was tran