knew that Wen Liang’s mouth couldn’t spit out ivory, so she didn’t bother to pay attention. Xu Yao, who was so flattering, didn’t want to miss the opportunity, and said with a smile: “What kind of poem?”

knew that Wen Liang’s mouth couldn’t spit out ivory, so she didn’t bother to pay attention. Xu Yao, who was so flattering, didn’t want to miss the opportunity, and said with a smile: “What kind of poem?”
“A red crown on her head. No need to cut it off, I will walk into the future covered with snow.”
Before he finished speaking, Ji Su burst into laughter. Xu Yao asked curiously: “Su Su, these two lines of poetry are just ordinary. Even someone with a low point of laughter like me didn’t find them funny. Why are you laughing?”
Ji Su just laughed and didn’t explain, but Yue Yue This is the case, the more Xu Yao couldn’t restrain her curiosity, she hugged Ji Su’s waist and began to act coquettishly, kissing Su Su at every turn, and almost pounced on him. Ji Su was frightened by her, and said helplessly: “This is Tang Yin’s poem, and the quality of the poem is only average. But the problem is, the name of this poem is “Painting a Chicken”, and there are two lines at the end: “I dare not take it lightly in my life.” Words can open thousands of houses.'” ”
Ah? The rooster crows.” Xu Yao turned to look at Ning Xiaoning. The red hat and the snow all over her body meant “a red crown on the head and a white body all over.” “, and immediately fell down laughing, and said: “Xiao Ning, don’t tell me, they really look alike, haha.”
Ning Xiaoning was speechless and glared at the instigator, Wen Liang, with unconcealed deepness in her eyes. Deep malice. Wen Liang was immediately frightened, shrank his neck, and said, “Don’t listen to Xu Yao’s uncultured nonsense. What kind of rooster crows? This poem is a metaphor for people. It means that if it doesn’t crow, it’s enough. It’s a blockbuster, and it’s definitely a compliment.” “Words, praise.”
Ning Xiaoning snorted coldly, turned around and went upstairs first. After passing the corner of the hall and passing a glass column, she turned around and saw herself in the mirror. Thinking of the two lines of poems Wen Liang said, her face slightly trembled. Hong subconsciously stretched out his hands, turned around lightly, and secretly muttered in his heart: Are they really similar?
/After entering the room, Xu Yao and Ji Su went to take a shower first. Wen Liang took Ning Xiaoning to sit in the living room and talked about the encounter in the pavilion just now. Wen Liang asked: “Coach, how did you recognize Ren Zhongping?”
Ning Xiaoning thought for a while and said: “It must have been the year before last, when grandpa celebrated his birthday, and many guests came to the house. At that time, the third brother was sitting Next to me, someone drank a little more wine, pointed at a person at the main table, and said, “Xiao Ning, remember, this person’s name is Ren Zhongping. There are so many high-ranking officials in Sijiu City. I think this is the only one.” In my eyes, I admired him in my heart. The third brother was famous for his unruliness, and the person he admired must be very extraordinary, so I looked carefully and wrote down this person’s appearance, but whatever Zh