y. There was a colleague in the company who not only liked listening to He also likes to study. Sometimes the two of them discuss a thing or two and only remember a little bit. They really only understand a little bit.

y. There was a colleague in the company who not only liked listening to He also likes to study. Sometimes the two of them discuss a thing or two and only remember a little bit. They really only understand a little bit.
“Then let me see. Are you annoying me now and want me to become a nun?”
Wen Liang went over to scratch her and said, “Even if you become a nun, I will still seduce you to return to secular life.”
Ning Xi ducked away with a smile and said, “You dare to go to the temple to seduce a nun. This is a great disrespect to the Buddha. Be careful not to be punished by God!” ”
I am doing this for the good of the Buddha. With such a beautiful nun, how can he live peacefully? Sentient beings? Sex is like a bone scraper. Leave it to me to go to hell.”
“Ah, what do you want to do?”
“What do you think?”
Ning Xi smiled and got into the quilt, twisting between Wen Liang’s hands and feet. Ducking to avoid it, the two of them were playing when they suddenly heard a loud noise outside, like a thunder blast in their ears.
Wen Liang stopped making trouble and said speechlessly: “No, I was just joking. Buddha, you don’t have to be so angry, right?”
Ning Xi sat up, frowned slightly, jumped out of bed and ran to the window : “It’s not thunder, it’s an explosion!”
Wen Liang’s expression changed, and he ran over, opened the curtains and looked down. A Jetta parked a hundred meters away in the northeast was emitting thick smoke, and behind the car Diagonally opposite is Qinghe Soybean Milk Huashan Store.
When the two appeared at the scene, people had already called the police and emergency services, and they were surrounded by people inside. Wen Liang stood on tiptoe but still couldn’t see what was going on inside. He turned around and saw Xiaoyin standing at the door of the soymilk shop, looking at the exploding vehicle, with a pale face, and hurriedly walked over.
“Sister Xiaoyin, what happened?”
When Xiaoyin saw Wen Liang, she grabbed his hand and said with a cry in her voice: “Wen Liang, it’s Director Ji. Go and see how he is doing.” How are you doing?”
“Which director?”
Xiaoyin said with tears in her eyes: “Director Ji Zhengji of Qinghua Chemical Plant, he said he has a very good relationship with you and he always comes to our place for breakfast. Very Take care of the store business”
/At this time, Wen Liang had no time to worry about how Ji Zheng knew about his relationship with Qinghe Doujiang, so he warned: “Don’t say these words to anyone, remember them.” Then he immediately turned around and ran back, separated from the crowd and squeezed to the end. In front, there were two people lying on the ground. One was standing. The one lying down was covering his arms with blood all over his body and kept screaming. The other’s whole body was blown to pieces and his face was so dark that he couldn’t recognize who he was. The only person I recognized was the man standing there, with his sharp-edged face, broad forehead, and the Chinese character Sichuan that always gathered between his eyebrows. H