tly, the movements of his hands deformed. The bicycle axle turned, and the bicycle, which was still in a straight line, immediately started to move. I took the “Zig” route.

tly, the movements of his hands deformed. The bicycle axle turned, and the bicycle, which was still in a straight line, immediately started to move. I took the “Zig” route.
/Ah! Hold the car steady! Do you want us to fall down?” followed behind. There was a scream, and then Wang Bo felt a pair of arms hugging his waist. His body immediately tensed up, the straightened car axle tilted again, and the car started to zigzag again.
The hands around his waist tightened again, and something pressed against his back. Wang Bo almost instinctively pressed the brakes and leaned back. Then, he felt a pair of soft and heavy pressure on his back.
“Scared me to death! Can’t you ride well?” Li Junhua jumped out of the car and stared at Wang Bo.
Wang Bo touched the area that had just been attacked with his hand and grinned, “Sister, can you blame me for this?” with an “innocent” look on his face.
The painful expression on Wang Bo’s face made Li Junhua think that he had just pinched Wang Bo and was a little worried. “It hurt? I didn’t use any force just now?” ”
Hey, it doesn’t hurt, just a little itchy!” Wang Bo ” “Hey”, he said to Li Junhua in front of him.
Around eleven o’clock, the streets were empty, almost no one could be seen, and it was so quiet that it felt strange. The dim yellow street lamps were on one by one, emitting a hazy and dim light lazily.
Wang Bo and Li Junhua are now standing under a street lamp. Wang Bo sat on the bicycle bench with one foot on the ground. Li Junhua got out of the car and stood in front of Wang Bo.
When looking at beauties under the lamp, even ordinary beauties will look more beautiful under the lamp; and Li Junhua, an out-and-out beauty with a score of 90 or above, was illuminated by the dim light above her head, coupled with the effects of Li Junhua’s drinking at night The blush has not completely dissipated, with her rosy face, charming eyes, and an expression that is both angry and happy. At this moment, in Wang Bo’s eyes, his cousin seems to be a fairy who has just descended from the mortal world, so beautiful that she is breathtakingly beautiful. , so beautiful!
“Itchy? So you are ticklish? Haha, now I know your weakness, so you have to be more careful in the future.” Li Junhua looked at Wang Bo with a sly smile.
But soon, she realized that something was wrong with Wang Bo in front of her. This guy didn’t speak, he just stared at him without blinking. His eyes were filled with a kind of familiar intoxication that Li Junhua was familiar with.
Li Junhua’s heart skipped a beat. He was a little happy, but also a little angry. He felt that this guy was really bold. Even his cousin dared to stare at him so unscrupulously. It was really outrageous. “Come on! Aren’t you going to class tomorrow?” She stamped her foot and gave him a fierce look.
“Ah, how can you not go to class if you have to go to class?” Wang Bo was awakened by the sound of Li Junhua’s stomping feet and swallowed. At the moment when he was lost in thought, he almost wanted to reach out and touch Li Junhua’s