was holding a life-saving straw, and cried and said: “Woo Bo’er, just spare me this time. I really don’t dare to do it anymore! I swear, I will never If you tell my man about what I saw in the kitchen today, I will be struck by thunder and die. As long as you spare me and don’t call the police, I will do anything. I will work for you for free. I’ll work for you for free for two years, okay?”

was holding a life-saving straw, and cried and said: “Woo Bo’er, just spare me this time. I really don’t dare to do it anymore! I swear, I will never If you tell my man about what I saw in the kitchen today, I will be struck by thunder and die. As long as you spare me and don’t call the police, I will do anything. I will work for you for free. I’ll work for you for free for two years, okay?”
“Working, do you think I still lack employees and money?” Jiang Mei’s words made Wang Bo dumbfounded.
“But I have nothing else to compensate you. All the money at home.” Jiang Mei immediately wanted to say that all the money at home was given to Zhang Xiaojun to open a rice noodle shop. Before she could say anything, she immediately thought that she couldn’t say this, “The money at home is all They’ve all been lent out! Just tell me, Bo’er, as long as you spare my sister, I can do anything for you! Just spare your sister!” Jiang Mei knelt on the ground, hugging Wang Bo’s thigh, looking miserable. A miserable look.
There were two people in the room, one standing and one kneeling, one with an angry look on his face and the other with a sad look on his face. Wang Bo wanted to leave, but Jiang Mei wanted to beg, so there was a stalemate.
Wang Bo looked down at Jiang Mei, who was kneeling in front of him, and saw her pretty face, covered with pear blossoms in the rain, looking miserable, panicked, and at a loss, which made him a little unbearable.
Should we just let her go? Wang Bo thought to himself, but he was unwilling to let go. The spices in the cloth bag have been collected by Jiang Mei for more than a dozen flavors. Although Bu Bao was intercepted by Guan Ping, who knew he didn’t remember it in his heart? With these dozen of spices, although there is still a long way to go before completely imitating the taste of “Zeng’s Rice Noodles”, putting these spices in the steamed rice noodles can instantly elevate the mediocre rice noodles to a big level. grade. If the fryer is willing to study hard, experiment a few more times and improve the process, it is not impossible to achieve 70 to 80% of the heat of “Zeng’s Rice Noodles” on the steamed rice noodles.
And with “Zeng’s Sister’s Rice Noodles” being 70 to 80% hot, it’s more than enough to open a rice noodle shop in Sifang, as long as the location is good.
If Jiang Mei’s husband was not Zhang Xiaojun, Wang Bo might have spared her directly after scaring her because of Jiang Mei’s love for her roots.
/But unfortunately, her husband is Zhang Xiaojun, a white-eyed wolf and a heartless dog! Thinking of all the contempt and ridicule Zhang Xiaojun’s family had for his family in the previous life, Wang Jichang was angry but helpless and couldn’t afford to offend the other party. His mother looked sad and angry, sighing; now he asked his wife to use a “beauty trap” to steal His own secret recipe, past and present lives, old and new hatreds all rushed into Wang Bo’s chest. It’s okay to forgive Jiang Mei, but repay evil with kindness and forgive Zhang Xiaojun?
/How willing!