, I won’t know Xinyue, Xiangxiang, and the rest of the company.” What will my colleagues think of me?” The girl frowned slightly, biting her lip, with a worried look on her face.

, I won’t know Xinyue, Xiangxiang, and the rest of the company.” What will my colleagues think of me?” The girl frowned slightly, biting her lip, with a worried look on her face.
Wang Bo naturally understood the girl’s worries. He put his arm through the girl’s neck and pushed hard, causing the girl to turn over and overlap her breasts. With both hands, he hugged the beautiful, soft and boneless body like an octopus, which brought him infinite happiness. He moved his body, put his mouth next to the other person’s ear and said:
“Colleagues in the company, don’t worry, I have always told them to second you to another company to take charge of your own business. Now that the task is completed, it is okay for you to return. As it should be.
“Although Xinyue and Xiangxiang have some guesses, they are only guesses. They don’t know exactly what happened, so you don’t need to worry too much.
“Besides, even if they really know, they don’t dare to talk nonsense. I’m so good to them, so I can’t raise a bunch of white-eyed wolves, right?
/“As for Luo Lin, who you are worried about, let’s do this, Yanzi, when you come back, I will set up a secretariat, and you will be the director. You will be in charge of the general direction. Some specific, less important things will be left to Luo Lin. Nowadays, the scale of several companies is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more things happening. I want to start some new businesses in the future, but a secretary will definitely not be able to handle it. Huo Buzhuan. How about you be the head, and the newly recruited assistants and secretaries from now on will all belong to your secretariat, and you will be able to train them and teach them? ”
While chatting, Wang Bo suddenly had an idea, and came up with an idea that could not only arrange Zheng Yan well, but also avoid firing Luo Lin. Luo Lin had been with him for half a year, and she had no credit but hard work. He used It was also very easy to get up. Unless he had to, he would not be the villain who crossed the river and burned the bridge.
Besides, Luo Lin, who had been with him for half a year, was enjoying good food and clothing, and her vision, style, and standard of living had all improved. , and now the little girl is asked to go back to live a miserable life with no income. Luo Lin will definitely not get used to it, and will be sad and sad. He himself will also feel unhuman.
For the beautiful, obedient and sensible girls around him, He always couldn’t bear it.
“Let me be the director of the department. Is this appropriate?” “Zheng Yan didn’t expect that Wang Bo would set up a secretariat specifically for her and let her be the director. She was immediately surprised.
“What’s inappropriate? “Wang Bo held Zheng Yan’s pretty face that was still flushed, and kissed her on the lips, “The group of old employees who started working with me, the worst-off ones all became store managers. People like Tian Xin, Jiang Mei, Xiaoya’s mother, Cheng Wenxuan and Aunt Cheng are in charge of one side and are on