with his butt, and suddenly jumped up again. It was obvious that the injury on his butt had not fully healed, “Just wait and see! When Cao Cao is defeated, it will be the time for me to take revenge. And you.” , Zhu Tong bitch.” Li Qingyun gritted his teeth and put his hand on his chest, “I will definitely return the shame of that knife to you a hundred times, just wait and see!”

with his butt, and suddenly jumped up again. It was obvious that the injury on his butt had not fully healed, “Just wait and see! When Cao Cao is defeated, it will be the time for me to take revenge. And you.” , Zhu Tong bitch.” Li Qingyun gritted his teeth and put his hand on his chest, “I will definitely return the shame of that knife to you a hundred times, just wait and see!”
As if feeling the crazy murderous intention emanating from Li Qingyun, standing on Lu Guo on the side couldn’t help but shiver.
After Li Qingyun’s murderous intention dissipated, Lu Guo said: “Brother Yun, what should we do next? Do you want to assassinate this Cao Cao?”
Li Qingyun sneered, “You can say such stupid things! Assassinate Cao Cao? Even if you have tens of thousands of heads, it won’t be enough to kill you. Because Cao Cao has more than 200,000 troops.” ”
But this is a mission from Yanshui Pavilion. If we don’t assassinate Cao Cao, neither will he. He will let us go. Oh, damn the principal, he actually arranged such an identity for us.”
Li Qingyun took out a silk scarf and wiped the sword in Han Guangshuo’s hands: “Okay. Then you go and try to assassinate Cao Cao. Assassinate. Cao Cao is simply an impossible mission. If you want to die, I won’t stop you. However, with ‘his’ wisdom, there is no reason why he can’t think of it. With our strength, it is simply impossible to assassinate Cao Cao. ‘He’ is the one who wants to die. What do you want to do?”
“Does ‘he’ have other plans? Let’s assassinate Cao Cao. Whether we succeed or not, is it all part of ‘his’ plan?” Li Qingyun thought about it, rubbing his chin unconsciously. .
/“Brother Yun, tell me, is it possible that the mission he gave Zhu Tong is different from the mission he gave us? Does he also know that we are at odds? No!” Lu Guo suddenly jumped up, Said: “Jiang You knows that our mission is to assassinate Cao Cao. If the mission is really different, with Zhu Tong’s temperament, he will definitely find a way to expose us. Aren’t we doomed by this?”
Li Qingyun was stunned, and then his face changed. He became gloomy, and veins popped out in the hand holding the sword hilt, “We can’t rule out this possibility! Damn it, if I had known, I should have killed him first.” “What should I do? It’s too
late to chase him now.” Lu Guo looked anxious. , suddenly seemed to think of something, “Brother Yun, look, strike first! Why don’t we expose the bitch named Zhu first?”
Li Qingyun stood up suddenly, walked back and forth in the tent, and said: “No! If this bitch Zhu Tong is not a pig-headed person, she will definitely not expose us. Even if we are exposed, they will still be unable to escape!”
“Brother Yun, are you sure?”
“I’m sure!” Li Qingyun said: “Lu Guo, Later, go and tell the other brothers that before the Battle of Chibi, they had forgotten who they were and what they were supposed to do. Don’t worry about the bullshit mission of ‘Yanshui Pavilion’! If ‘he’ makes us anxious, we might as well Just rebel and join Cao Cao. Huh!” ”
Is this okay?”