olly today? Fortunately you are not in school, otherwise half of the boys would probably have nosebleeds.” Wang Bo paid a dollar and walked up to Sun Li. His eyes seemed to be caught in two gravitational vortices. It was completely impossible to move away from the two white legs under the eyelids, slender and flawless, and not even a gap could be seen.

olly today? Fortunately you are not in school, otherwise half of the boys would probably have nosebleeds.” Wang Bo paid a dollar and walked up to Sun Li. His eyes seemed to be caught in two gravitational vortices. It was completely impossible to move away from the two white legs under the eyelids, slender and flawless, and not even a gap could be seen.
Sun Li noticed Wang Bo’s unscrupulous gaze, and a faint blush suddenly appeared on her face. She bent her knees, bit her lip, and said shyly: “Brother Bo, why are you so exaggerated?” “Haha
, Just kidding.” Wang Bo reluctantly looked away from Sun Li’s pair of short white socks that only reached a little above the ankles. He looked at the other person’s fair and rosy face and said with a smile, “Sifang Is there anything delicious? You must be more familiar with it than me. Do you have any recommendations? Let’s go have a good meal today.” “I
happen to know a newly opened farmhouse, and the taro chicken there is very good. Last one My dad took me out to eat once this week. It’s just a bit far, so I have to take a taxi,” Sun Li said.
“It’s delicious and you don’t have to worry about the trouble. Just take a taxi.” Wang Bo waved his hand and said nonchalantly.
“Well! Then let’s go eat taro chicken.” Sun Li smiled and looked very happy.
The two of them stood on the roadside waiting for a taxi, but after waiting for a quarter of an hour, seven or eight unoccupied three-wheelers and fully loaded buses passed by, but they did not see an unoccupied taxi. Wang Bo then suggested taking the bus at the bus stop in front.
“Then take the bus. We’ll get off at Cave No. 2. When we get to Cave No. 2, it only takes a few minutes to walk there.” Sun Li nodded and took the lead to walk to the bus stop in front.
/At the bus stop, seeing Sun Li who was wearing cool clothes today, Wang Bo wanted to wait for a bus with fewer people. But it is now after get off work time, and there are several cars going to Cave No. 2, all of which are full. Forget about the seats, even the aisles are crowded with people. On these arriving buses, the passengers facing the bus stop, both men and women, are all looking at Sun Li, especially the male passengers. They are probably looking forward to the fair and beautiful person on the bus station, just like Snow White. The fashionable girl can ride with him in the car, even if it only takes a short distance.
“Sun Li, do you think we should continue waiting for the taxi?” Wang Bo said to Sun Li when he saw the bus that looked like sardines.
“It’s okay, Brother Bo. Let’s get on when the next car to Cave No. 2 comes. It’s hard to get a taxi at this time.” Sun Li said generously.
Wang Bo knew that the other party was not a squeamish person, so he nodded.
A few minutes later, another bus came over. Fortunately, there were not so many people on this bus, so the two of them hurriedly jumped on it.
After getting on the bus, Wang Bo was still thankful that there were not many people, but as the bus stopped two stops in front, seven or eight peop