has meaning.

has meaning.

In the passionate singing, Wang Bo forgot today, forgot tomorrow, forgot time, and forgot space. The stars are passing by, the grass is growing and the orioles are flying, and the tide is rising. Falling, his whole body, mind, and soul only fluctuated with the ups and downs of the music, and fluctuated with the fluctuations of the melody. There was no reason, no thought of morality, and no shackles. Only feeling and instinct were left to dance.
In the following time, one man and five women sometimes drank, sometimes sang, and sometimes danced. Wang Bo felt as if he had returned to a dark dance hall in Shuangqing. The dance partners around him were changing one after another like butterflies passing through flowers. He moved his hands up and down on them, and his palms passed through them. Except for the most precious parts of the girls, the rest of the places were measured and traced by his palms one by one. He used his swollen, almost numb mouth to mark all the tender skin of the girls that was not covered by clothing, and he never tired of it. He felt them trembling in his arms as if they were swinging. The nasal sounds and humming that seemed to come from the depths of their souls, in Wang Bo’s ears, became the most beautiful music in the world, surpassing the sound. Fang You’s singing flows repeatedly in the song.
For the girls dancing with Wang Bo, their rationality washed away by alcohol would occasionally rush into their minds like flashbacks, making them vaguely feel that something was wrong, was it too bold? Too open? Or is it too confusing?
However, these thoughts, baptized by beer and the exciting and inspiring songs, these thoughts that don’t feel right are like small waves on the vast ocean. They appear briefly and are quickly submerged in the tide. In the huge tidal wave.
/We were both drunk and out of control. We are voluntary, mutual pleasure, and no harm is done, right?
Therefore, life must be full of joy. If this is just a dream, then let it be more chaotic and crazy!
Wang Bo was drunk again, and his memory stayed in that dim, hazy room with only the dim light from the TV. In that room, he and some of the most outstanding girls from Class 7 danced to the accompaniment of music and sang drunkenly together. He is like a prince who is loved by thousands and fascinated by thousands of people, and his female classmates are like a group of concubines who like him, worship him, and are willing to pay for him. He hugged and kissed his concubines, and it seemed that he did some other things later, but what were they? Unfortunately, the memory was interrupted and became blurry, like a thick fog in the middle of the night.
When he opened his eyes again, the sky was already bright, and the bright sun shone through the window screen into the room, forming a series of bright shadows. The surrounding environment is very familiar, it is the bedroom of my home in the printing factory community.
“Is everything just a dream?” Wang Bo shook his groggy head. He felt that his mouth was