o weigh how much they weighed.” “I didn’t buy them, they were just delivered by your brother-in-law. There are also cucumbers and peppers given by your uncle and second uncle. A big basket of cowpeas and eggplants. We won’t have to buy vegetables for the next week.” Zeng Fanyu explained to Wang Bo with a smile, looking very happy.

o weigh how much they weighed.” “I didn’t buy them, they were just delivered by your brother-in-law. There are also cucumbers and peppers given by your uncle and second uncle. A big basket of cowpeas and eggplants. We won’t have to buy vegetables for the next week.” Zeng Fanyu explained to Wang Bo with a smile, looking very happy.
“Uncle, they are so kind.” Wang Bo sighed, “Mom, why don’t you give money to your little uncle?” ”
I said I would give you money, but your little uncle doesn’t want it either life or death.”
/“It’s just some bad food. I want it. ” What kind of money is that? If you talk about money, you will go out on a limb!” My aunt said she was a little “unhappy” when she heard that Wang Bo was talking about money.
Wang Bo’s four uncles, except for the third uncle who works outside, the other three uncles are farming in the countryside. Their main income is from growing vegetables and selling them. In his previous life, Wang Bo’s family often ate vegetables grown by his uncles. Even when he went to Shuangqing to work, every time he returned to his hometown and left, his uncles would give him large and small bags filled with various side dishes for him to take back. Double celebration to eat.
Let’s not talk about the past life as a last resort. In this life, Wang Bo was unwilling to take advantage of his uncles in vain. But he directly refused to let his uncles deliver food or give him money because he was afraid of hurting their hearts and making them think he was being extramarital.
/Is there any way to get the best of both worlds?
Wang Bo’s mind turned around and he quickly thought of a way to get the best of both worlds, not only to prevent his uncles from suffering a loss, but also to satisfy his own family. So, he began to say to his little aunt:
“Little aunt, you have seen the current situation. My mother has to be busy with the store, and I am afraid she will not have time to grow vegetables in the future. Not only do we have no time to grow vegetables, our family I am afraid that the fields owned by the three of us will have to be contracted out to others for cultivation.
“But our family cannot live without vegetables and rice. So, I thought, if my uncle is interested, our fields can be used for planting by him, and he only needs to give us 1,200 kilograms of rice every year.
“As for the vegetables, we also buy them from my uncle and the other three uncles. The price can be compared with the retail price in the market. Because we don’t eat it once or twice, but we eat it every day. You don’t want to eat it all for free. Reality. What do you think, little aunt?”
Wang Bo decided on the twelve hundred kilograms of rice based on the current food intake of his family of three. However, as living standards continue to improve, we will definitely not be able to eat so much rice in the future.
Wang Bo’s proposal was not only unexpected by Zhong Xiaomin, but also by Wang Jichang and Zeng Fanyu. Zeng Fanyu thought about it and soon discovered that her son’s idea was very good. It not