ttacks of Lu Yan and Silent Monk that created a few tenths of a second of opportunity for the Sun Wukong in this world, and hit the Sun Wukong in the other world hard with a stick. Only then did they really give him a “constructive” blow. Then, Sun Wukong from this world and Jason, who exploded with “protagonist halo”, joined forces to restrain him, allowing Jin Yanzi’s Phoenix-breaking Hairpin to focus his anger and transform Sun Wukong from another world to once again defeat Sun Wukong from this world. Knock away and Jason will be knocked away. After arriving at the “space slit”, if it weren’t for Yin Kuang’s repeated, almost timid caution, coupled with luck, he would have been able to kill Sun Wukong from another world!

ttacks of Lu Yan and Silent Monk that created a few tenths of a second of opportunity for the Sun Wukong in this world, and hit the Sun Wukong in the other world hard with a stick. Only then did they really give him a “constructive” blow. Then, Sun Wukong from this world and Jason, who exploded with “protagonist halo”, joined forces to restrain him, allowing Jin Yanzi’s Phoenix-breaking Hairpin to focus his anger and transform Sun Wukong from another world to once again defeat Sun Wukong from this world. Knock away and Jason will be knocked away. After arriving at the “space slit”, if it weren’t for Yin Kuang’s repeated, almost timid caution, coupled with luck, he would have been able to kill Sun Wukong from another world!
/Thinking about it, it feels like a dream.
I can’t imagine that without Yin Kuang’s previous complicated arrangements and plans, and directly used force to deal with Sun Wukong from another world, let alone them, even Sun Wukong from this world would definitely die.
The only regret is that Yin Kuang was not able to grab the Ruyi Golden Cudgel from the otherworldly Sun Wukong because the moment before Sun Wukong died, the Ruyi Golden Cudgel was thrown into a microcosm of the world with his last force. It doesn’t matter, Yin Kuang has already used the Dragon Soul Mark to secure that world’s status, and that world doesn’t seem to have a high epoch level, otherwise Ruyi Bang wouldn’t be able to break through the world’s self-protection mechanism. When the time comes, Yin Kuang will definitely find that world and get the wishful stick back.
In fact, Yin Kuang originally planned this. After grabbing the Wishful Stick, throw it into a lower era world and pick it up later. It’s very simple. If he were brought back to the world of “The King of Kung Fu”, he would never be able to keep the Ruyi Golden Cudgel. Neither Sun Wukong nor the Jade Emperor would let Yin Kuang take away such a treasure as the Ruyi Golden Cudgel.
“It belongs to his grandmother! The Ruyi Golden Cudgel originally belonged to the East China Sea Dragon Clan, and we are the host of the Purple Dragon Soul. The Purple Dragon is a royal family in the Dragon Clan, and the East China Sea Dragon Clan is a descendant of the Dragon Clan. So, this Ruyi Golden Cudgel is what it should be. “Things that belong to us,” Yin Kuang thought as he healed his wounds, “It’s so troublesome to get back what belongs to you! Sure enough, power and strength are the truth. In this way, even other people’s things can become your own at any time. ”
/Under the influence of “G Immortal Body”, Yin Kuang’s lower body began to slowly repair. If the energy was at its peak, Yin Kuang’s body would be intact in just a few seconds. But now, he can only wait slowly.
“By the way, I can’t let others know that I’m injured. I’m not Lei Feng. When I do good things, I have to leave my name and let everyone in the world know about it!” Yin Kuang looked at the empty space below the waist and took out a The yellow paper crane muttered a few times and then let the yellow pape