That’s right! If you hate him, you don’t have to resurrect him to pop his anus, right?” Wang Peng also echoed a few words.

That’s right! If you hate him, you don’t have to resurrect him to pop his anus, right?” Wang Peng also echoed a few words.
“The biggest tragedy in the world is not that the husband found a mistress, but that the husband found a man to be a mistress.” Wang Lujia looked sympathetically at Ke Ming beside her.
“You guys have no moral integrity! I resurrected him to use him as a human shield in the future. Don’t you think it would be safe to have such a human shield around you?” Mo Fan could only defend himself a few times, otherwise They really thought his interest had changed!
“Not a bad idea.” Liu Qian nodded. When Mo Fan asked Electronic Sound if he could recruit people of the same sex, he guessed what he wanted to do. Speaking of which, Mo Fan was quite thoughtful and could always think of something. Things that others wouldn’t think of.
/“Raise your left hand.” Mo Fan gave Ren Qianfan an instruction.
Ren Qianfan raised his left hand obediently.
“Raise your right hand.” Mo Fan gave Ren Qianfan another instruction.
Of course, Ren Qianfan obediently raised his right hand again.
“Follow my left hand and right hand in slow motion, right hand and left hand in slow motion and replay the jump!” Mo Fan gave a new instruction to Ren Qianfan.
Ren Qianfan had no choice but to dance. He watched the once-famous president of the Qianfan Guild obediently dance the famous spring dance in the real world with his clumsy and heavy body. The crowd watching couldn’t bear to wait. Zhu laughed.
“I don’t like your name. I’ll call you Shen Longtian from now on.” After Mo Fan recruited Ren Qianfan back, he also changed his name.
“Okay master, my name will be Shen Longtian from now on.” Ren Qianfan could only accept it.
“Wouldn’t it be better if you call him Ye Liangchen?” When Ke Ming heard Mo Fan’s new name for Ren Qianfan, he couldn’t help but have the urge to complain. The scene where Mo Fan recruited Ren Qianfan as a pet reminded her of the time in the real world when Mo Fan was more attentive to his golden retriever than to her, which made her inexplicably jealous.
“Shen Longtian is my neighbor and elementary school classmate when I was a child. I am a very good friend. This name is of commemorative significance.” Mo Fan explained a few words to Ke Ming seriously.
“Your classmate’s parents are really good at naming. They can also name Long Aotian.” After hearing what Mo Fan said, Ke Ming had nothing to say.
“He completely obeys your instructions? Can these instructions be issued quickly with thoughts?” Liu Qian looked at Ren Qianfan with interest. Now his name was changed to Shen Longtian.
“Yes, I control him from the soul level, as if I have a ray of soul attached to his soul. When controlling and commanding him, it is as easy as controlling my own arm.” Mo Fan nodded.
“Such a human shield is indeed good.” Liu Qian nodded.
“Why don’t I give him to you?” Mo Fan thought of something and felt a little embarrassed. Liu Gan killed Ren Qianfan. He didn’t ask for Liu Gan’s opinion and just snatched him away. I