Wen Zhenwen curled up his lips in the back seat.

Wen Zhenwen curled up his lips in the back seat.

13:00, Jiangcheng City. Go forward four ways.
This road is also nicknamed Jiangcheng City Electronic Street. The reason why this road is introduced so solemnly is because there was a person who hung out here for a long time a few years ago and even had a name. That man’s name is Rebus!
Li Yu, who had just taken the time to finish lunch, walked slowly into the Forward 4th Computer City.
Li Yu is an ordinary solicitor, inconspicuous in the entire computer city. After eating a lot, he drank a Coke and hummed, and walked to the upper bunk step by step.
Suddenly, an oncoming man handed him a flyer and then left quickly.
Li Yu didn’t pay attention. In the computer city, this happened a lot. Picking it up and looking at it, Li Yu suddenly stopped.
Not far away, the guy who handed out the flyers took out the walkie-talkie from his pocket and said softly: “Boss, the flyers have been delivered.”
“Come back to solicit customers after they are delivered! Why the hell are you acting in a spy movie!?”
The guy walked away with a face. .
“Tesla Technology Co., Ltd. is currently recruiting a number of sales staff, with a base salary of 800, performance commission, three insurances and one fund, a one-month probationary period, and a job will be arranged nearby. If you are interested, please contact 1 Channel 101 Xingsheng Company.”
Li Yu looked at the content on the flyer and felt ups and downs in his heart.
There is no Tesla store in Jiangcheng, but Li Yu’s ears are almost rotten from hearing its famous name these days.
‘Three insurances and one fund without even selling brand-name machines? Li Yu’s heart was moved. He looked at the time and saw that there was still a little time before starting work in the afternoon. Li Yu walked towards aisle 1.
The flyer guy gently patted a busy middle-aged man and said, “Boss, here we come.”
/The middle-aged man looked up and continued to work.
“Boss, why does Tesla want to recruit him?”
“You ask me, who should I ask? I only know that if we recruit him, Xingsheng Company can get the agency rights for core-frozen radiators.”
He stopped paying attention to the stunned flyer . Man, the middle-aged man stood up straight and looked at Li Yu who was saying hello.
Li Yu nodded: “Applying to the 7-channel technical school counter.”
Li Yu said a little embarrassed: “Technical school.”
The middle-aged man frowned and looked at him for a while, until Li Yu When he felt a little uncomfortable, he asked: “Are you going to Kyoto? A monthly housing subsidy of 150 yuan, a daily meal subsidy of 10 yuan, and other conditions are the same as those on the flyer!”
Li Yu was stunned. After waiting for a while, he nodded wildly, “Go!”

In the lobby of a hotel in Wenzhou, Zhao Song hung up the phone and sat back on the sofa, feeling calm in his heart.
15.5 million, Tesla added another fixed asset to its name, and it was also Tesla’s first property store!
School starts in two weeks,