ed up to the pavilion, he immediately noticed Xiao Ma’s embarrassing situation. Judging from everyone’s clothes and eyes, Xiao Ma didn’t belong to this circle at all. Just from the perspective of standing, Xiao Ma looked… was visibly rejected.

ed up to the pavilion, he immediately noticed Xiao Ma’s embarrassing situation. Judging from everyone’s clothes and eyes, Xiao Ma didn’t belong to this circle at all. Just from the perspective of standing, Xiao Ma looked… was visibly rejected.
“Young man, are you a mecha modifier?” Mr. Himmler stared at Liu Fei closely. As a teacher and a fourth-level modifier, his vision was naturally different from that of a group of dudes. From Liu Fei’s point of view, The steady steps and unfazed expression showed that this young man was not simple.
“Yes.” Liu Fei nodded without being humble or condescending.
“How many levels?”
“Level 2.”
“Level 2″
Teacher Himmler was stunned for a moment. This was completely different from his guess. He thought that Liu Fei was at least a level 3 modifier, while the young people around him were shocked. When he laughed, it was a kind of naked and unbridled ridicule.
Falxing is full of talents. Level 4 and 5 modifiers can be found everywhere, and level 6 modifiers are also not uncommon. A level 2 modifier is just getting started. If it weren’t for some level 4 and 5 modifiers who disdain to be at such a junior level in school. When it comes to market development, even third-level modifiers probably don’t have much opportunity to make money.
Of course, there are also financial reasons. Whether it is a fourth-level or fifth-level tuner, the fees are extremely expensive. Except for some dudes with extremely favorable family conditions, it is impossible for ordinary families to afford a fourth-level or fifth-level tuner. .
In this large-scale enrollment at Fal Mecha University, the largest number of third-level modifiers participated. Third-level modifiers are also recognized as the lowest standard. But now, the emergence of a second-level modifier like Liu Fei is the most outrageous. What’s more, even though he was sneaking in to get some business, he actually dared to appear at Fal Mecha University in broad daylight. If word got out, it would definitely be the most sensational news in Fal Mecha University this year.
“Hey, hey, I said, Don’t go too far. Don’t bully my brother Ma with all his strength. I know that Brother Ma is the best!”
/Looking at the unbridled ridicule of everyone, Mo Chou finally understood that these people She is not Xiaoma’s friend, her sweetheart is just the object of their ridicule. She is kind-hearted and like a furious lioness, questioning loudly.
“Brother Xiao Ma is the best!”
The wretched young man imitated Mochou’s voice in a sinister voice, which immediately made everyone burst into laughter again.
“Hum, what a bunch of bad guys!” Mochou was so angry that she was so angry that she couldn’t think of any vicious words to retaliate despite her kind nature. She could only clenched her fists and glared at everyone.
“Little sister, you are quite beautiful. I can tell you responsibly that your little brother Ma is not the best. There are more than 2,000 applicants in this batch. He is the worst, let alone one.” A second-level modifier, even