veted that ice cave. Even if the ice cave has melted now, he can’t find a way. Once a formation is developed, it can become the foundation of Zhennan Gongfu that will never be easy to change.

veted that ice cave. Even if the ice cave has melted now, he can’t find a way. Once a formation is developed, it can become the foundation of Zhennan Gongfu that will never be easy to change.
It seemed that this was the end of Zhennan Gong. Guo Jingping was too lazy to persuade him anymore and just waved his hand, “It’s up to you. If you want to see the angel, you can go see it yourself. I may go down to inspect it within a day or two. For a moment.”
/Inspection? Even though these two idiots heard this, they knew what it meant. Is the county magistrate trying to avoid it?
Guo Jingping really wanted to avoid it. Like Linghu Yan, he over-interpreted Li Yongsheng’s “The Orphan of Zhao” and always felt that it was to provide the necessary public opinion support for today’s massacre.
Chief Linghu is not afraid to publicize this story. No matter what, the story itself has an educational effect. There is no rain in Bashu County, so it has nothing to do with the education room.
So whether he thinks too much or not, he can publicize it – if the bet is right, he will be prosperous, and if the bet is wrong, he will not lose.
But Guo Jingping couldn’t do it. The drought in Bashu – well, this was not something he, the governor, could have done, but if he made a mistake in handling the situation during the drought, which resulted in serious consequences, it would be completely justified to sacrifice him to the sword today.
——Labour and capital have just taken over the government, and you are already killing so many people in Bashu from thirst. Who are you giving eye drops to?
After hearing the story of “The Orphan of Zhao”, even if he didn’t want to avoid the mess in front of him, he would go down to check the drought situation in person – how serious the drought is is one thing, but whether he has personally done something about it is another.
As for the two idiots who still want to make an ice cave, he doesn’t bother to care about it. Whether they live or die, you can just ask for your blessings.
In fact, angels are also running around down there. Of course, their appearance in the local area actually increases the burden on the local area. But again, the appearance of messengers from the heavenly family has a strong cheering effect – this proves that today Caring about the people!
Particularly worth mentioning is the angel Oscar from the Royal Horseman.
Those who serve as emissaries of the Tian family in the inner court are usually ceremonial eunuchs, but this severe drought has also affected the southwestern racecourse.
Are there horse farms in the south? This is a must. Southern horses are far inferior to northern horses in terms of size and impact, but they can withstand the heat, are good at walking on rugged mountain roads, and have good endurance.
In the south, whether it is transporting military supplies or fighting, the northern horse can only be used in winter, and the southern horse can only be used in other seasons.
The horses in the racecourse not only need to drink water, but also eat