t. I must promote the Gods Tribulation and gather all the invincibles in order to have the capital to fight against the Demon Lord. I just happened to fall into the Gods World some time ago. He demonstrated it to me step by step.”

Lu Bei said to himself, there was a pusher every step he took, and he couldn’t find a better solution when he jumped out of the game, which really made him sleepless.
He slowly closed his eyes: “It’s up to people to make plans, and it’s up to heaven. It’s time to fight for luck again. I hope the unity of heaven and man can protect me.”
Luck is also a part of strength. This statement makes the survivors helpless.
After a while, Lu Bei opened his eyes. He couldn’t believe the misty luck. Strength is only king if it can be seen and touched. From today on, he will practice hard.
The door to the quiet room was kicked open, and Huang Xiao had an angry look on his face: “Your Majesty, you are pushing me so hard, do you really dare not die with you?”
“Time waits for no one, so I ask my brother Xiao to put aside his secular prejudices like an orphan and do his best to help the orphan overcome the difficulties.” Lu Bei had a business-like face, his mouth was faster than his brain, and he almost encountered a thunder code again.
It’s this trick again, do you have no other words?
Seeing that Huang Xiao was hesitant and didn’t speak for a long time, Lu Bei added: “This is really the last time.”
Huang Xiao: (=_=)
/Everyone knew whether it was the last time, but it was just a step. Huang Xiao smiled bitterly and walked down the ladder.
Otherwise, what can she do? She can’t really ignore death.
“By the way, the little yellow croaker has been very virtuous in the past few days in the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons. She has forgiven us both.”
“shut up!”
Huang Xiao was furious: “Either get here or get out, don’t say a word.”
“This is coming, this is going to pass.”
Lu Bei didn’t want to catch Huang Xiao and drag her to death, but who could make her the most cost-effective? Now that time was limited, we had to race against time. Huang Xiao also understood this. She was a bird with a strong sense of responsibility, otherwise she wouldn’t have helped Lu Bei create a baby in the first place. Phoenix.
/Mostly relying on eight years of memories, Lu Bei was thick-skinned. He sat cross-legged and very close to Huang Xiao, igniting the Phoenix flames to resonate. Without the yin and yang, he used the unique energy of the Phoenix clan to The method started the yin and yang dual cultivation.
The picture was so beautiful that Huang Xiao closed her eyes and did not dare to look at it.
“Xian, Brother Xiao, you know something about the matter of conferring gods. To be honest, there will be a catastrophe of conferring gods in this world. Several immortal emperors will be born under the Great Heavenly Lord, similar to the ones in the past. The five great immortals.”
Lu Bei frowned and said: “As for the selection, Gu decided to rely on nepotism. What do you think of Feng Yi taking over the position o