Xia Mingxian is the director of telecommunications at the Municipal Post and Telecommunications Bureau. Deputy Director, Security Minister didn’t want to bother Wen Liang with these trivial matters, so he casually changed the subject.

Xia Mingxian is the director of telecommunications at the Municipal Post and Telecommunications Bureau. Deputy Director, Security Minister didn’t want to bother Wen Liang with these trivial matters, so he casually changed the subject.
Wen Liang was sorting out the plans for Qinghe Soybean Milk, but there was no need to let An Baoqing know these things, and said: “Today’s homework.” An Baoqing
was stunned for a moment, looked at each other with Wen Liang, and then laughed loudly. An Baoqing was so smart that he naturally knew that Wen Liang didn’t want to say anything. He stopped asking, relaxed and sunk into the sofa, and said with a smile: “Lin Zhen is really offended by you this time.”
Wen Liang seemed to have heard something that had nothing to do with him. It was a trivial matter, and he said calmly: “I know!” Then he looked at An Baoqing with a smile, “Why, did you hear any insider information?”
An Baoqing shook his head: “It’s not an inside story, it’s just the news from the cat lady, Lin Zhen has invited a lot of people in Dandelion these days, and he won’t stop until Lian Zizhong is fished out. Yesterday, he also invited Niu Guiqing, but Secretary Niu didn’t go at all. Lin Zhenzhong answered the phone and didn’t know what to say. Why was he so angry that he threw the cup in the box? It is said that his face is very ugly. Maybe I shouldn’t talk too much, but Mr. Wen, you have to pay attention to this person.”
/Wen Liang nodded and gently touched the center of his eyebrows with his middle finger. I remembered that Zuo Yuxi in front of Yishan said calmly that this was Qingzhou, not Guanshan, and it was no big deal for Lin Zhen. In fact, Lin Zhen is really no big deal, but the power behind him cannot be underestimated. Fortunately, Wen Liang handled the matter neatly and put all the blame on Lian Zizhong. Otherwise, let alone cleaning up Lian Zizhong, Liu Tianlai might also be in trouble.
/However, Zuo Yuxi has a saying that is right, this is Qingzhou, not Guanshan!
Warm eyes glanced over Qing An’s face inadvertently, and she could feel the concern and sincerity in his words just now. After thinking about it in her mind, she asked, “How is Biluochun doing?”
Speaking of this, An Baoqing smiled bitterly and said: “The trademark and factory have been completed, and the main local tea gardens have also signed supply and marketing agreements. However, I sent someone to investigate. In the past few years, the sales of tea have been poor, and the original factory failed due to poor management. The previous channels Most of the suppliers have been reduced, and the remaining ones are waiting and watching. They are not very optimistic about the future prospects. This is still a small matter. The key is that we currently lack an overall idea of ??how to revitalize the stagnant water and make the factory bigger. I don’t have this I have no experience in this area, and my subordinates also lack talents in this area. I just hired a manager in Suhai not long ago to help me deal with things there temporarily. Don