enness that only a young man can have. But when he turned his head, his bright eyes revealed a light that was warmer than spring. He saw A slight smile appeared on the lips of the girls opposite, then they put their hands in the pockets of their coats and walked towards a pavilion nearby. Their leather boots stepped on the winter snow-covered ground, leaving a series of clear footprints.

enness that only a young man can have. But when he turned his head, his bright eyes revealed a light that was warmer than spring. He saw A slight smile appeared on the lips of the girls opposite, then they put their hands in the pockets of their coats and walked towards a pavilion nearby. Their leather boots stepped on the winter snow-covered ground, leaving a series of clear footprints.
“Wow, he’s so handsome. What should I do? I’m a little dizzy.”
The round-faced girl clasped her hands on her chest and fell into the arms of the tall girl. The tall girl winked at the other two girls, and the three of them shouted, They all tickled her.
“It’s dawn, wake up.”
Wen Liang stood in the pavilion, staring at this simple stone pavilion. As a supporting building only for surrounding residents to enjoy the cool and shelter from wind and rain in summer, it is not as elegant and elegant as a classical wooden pavilion. , it does not have the natural appeal of a log thatched pavilion, nor is it as magnificent as a crab bronze pavilion. However, it is such an ordinary small pavilion that allows Wen Liang to put aside all the entanglements and entanglements of the world and risk it. Coming alone in the heavy snow.
/Wen Liang gently brushed away the snow on the bench, put on his clothes and sat down. The snowflakes swirled playfully in front of him, and then flew away when the wind blew them away. Time seemed to return to that time and space with the flying snowflakes, where there was a person smiling lightly.
That night, it rained heavily!
It was another fruitless contract. Wen Liang had gone to work for this contract no less than ten times. Every time he knelt down, his self-esteem was severely trampled, but in the end, he was still rejected by the other boss indifferently. and left sadly with unabashed ridicule.
The night outside the building was as dark as ink, and it was raining heavily. The pouring rain was accompanied by strong winds, which seemed to smash the inside and outside of Yizhuang. Wen Liang held an umbrella and finally walked to the nearby bus stop, waiting for the last bus to arrive.
There was no one at the open-air sign, and a small umbrella could not block such a heavy rain. In less than two minutes, half of Wen Liang’s body was soaked. He looked around, then turned and walked towards the pavilion not far away.
Unexpectedly, there was someone in the pavilion, a woman.
The girl let out a soft “ah”. Through the roaring rain, she could still feel the clear and ethereal voice of the other party. She must be still very young.
There wasn’t much light in the dark pavilion, and the other person’s face couldn’t be seen clearly. She could only vaguely see her long hair draped over her shoulders and her slim and graceful figure. Wen Liang still retained the inferiority complex he felt when facing women. Solitary, he just said to dispel the girl’s doubts: “I’ll wait for the bus and leave as soon as it comes.” Then he walked to the side, turned his back to the girl, and looked into the distance silently