sitting down, he looked at Harris with gratitude.

After two seasons, Sun Hao is close to success!
Thompson was bypassed but did not give up. After turning around, he prepared to chase and block the shot.
He was very powerful, but Sun Hao had already predicted it and easily avoided the blocked layup with a switch of hands.
Thompson couldn’t control his body and slapped Sun Hao’s hand.
Before that, Sun Hao’s lever had already been released.
Accompanied by the sound of the referee’s whistle on the sidelines was the sound of the ball hitting the board.
The ball then bounces off the board and falls into the net.
This is a 2+1!
The scene suddenly burst into cheers.
The current start of the Lakers’ bench is different from the past few games!
When Thompson saw the ball go in, he put his head in his hands and looked annoyed.
Sun Hao went to the free throw line, adjusted his breathing, and then added a penalty and made a steady hit.
36 to 27.
The score difference was immediately opened to 9 points.
However, the Warriors did not panic. Although the main force was not on the court, their lineup on the court was already their best “five players”.
When the two inside lines moved to the outside line, the basket was completely empty.
Durant inserted diagonally, received the pass and hit Fernandez to score the ball, which also caused Fernandez to foul!
After scoring the goal, Durant turned back and glanced coldly at Fernandez, already looking like a “god of death”.
This is Durant’s personal ability, and it is also the most lethal point of the five small lineups.
Most of the time, it’s not the Warriors’ accurate outside shooting that defeats the game, but the inside kill that defeats the opponent first.
Because when the inside line is pulled out, the penalty area cannot be defended if you want to.
Durant went to the free throw line and made the extra penalty accurately.
/36 to 30!
The score difference is back to 6 points again!
The faces of the fans at the scene were full of excitement at this time.
The two teams had the feeling of an epic battle from the beginning. Unexpectedly, this feeling has not diminished at this stage when the substitutes are on the bench!
This is not an epic battle, this is a direct battle of the century!
/In the Lakers’ offense, Sun Hao continued to catch the ball in the low post.
The Warriors were still able to hold on without double-teaming at this time, and Sun Hao continued to single out Thompson.
Thompson obviously learned a lesson this time. He did not try his best to resist Sun Hao, but left a little room for the future.
Then, the dreamy footsteps came again.
Moreover, Sun Hao and Kobe have really mastered the essence of footwork, and it even coincides with the idea of ??the triangle offense in a sense.
“Read then react”.
Choose the direction of foot movement and attack method according to the opponent’s defensive method. This is what Sun Hao is doing now.
A turning jump step back.
Thompson noticed it too