
Trainer Jeremy, who is wearing white light armor, is more like a soldier wearing exoskeleton armor, with almost no difference in combat power. Trainer Jeremy's head was like a broken…

, either legally or by blood.

In terms of law, Dean Constable is very comprehensive and has made all preparations for this position. After Dean Constable obtained David's experimental material, he immediately launched his long-planned plan.…

ve thousand meters.

As long as David devotes a little attention to observation, he can get information about where the first-level Zerg is. "Report the sniper's combat results!" Lieutenant Eaton ordered in a…


But the item transfer array in front of us is open normally. Just watching the staff casually reach into the item transfer array to take out or put items in,…


David discovered that when the 'Assassin Mantis Puppet' stood in the 'Source Gathering Disk', it could actually feed energy back to the 'Corpse Control Pattern', and replenish the 'Perfect Level…